
New Apple Plans Discovered To Allow iOS Device To Remotely Stream Content From Any Location - hoyvater1974

Looks like folks finished at Apple have quite a few interesting patents and technology at solve. A couple of days back we told you about how Cupertino has plans all but an interactive 3D user interface for the iPhone, and this time patents get surfaced showing Apple's plans for transferrable device synchronization to a stationary display device.

Apple_Patent_TV_iOS_StreamingApple's Patent For Synchronized Content On A Portable Gimmick And How You'll Be Able To Bring on Content Anyplace.

The US Patent and Hallmark Office has granted Apple a obvious for "Displaying a synchronized instance of content on a portable electronic device," which volition now be able to let iOS users to wirelessly stream self-complacent to their devices which is organism played through with the internet connected stationary screen devices, such as the Macintosh or Orchard apple tree TV.

Orchard apple tree's framework imagines a scenario where multiple users are streaming content on their devices, when due to circumstance a single exploiter is prompted to leave the chemical group. In such a scenario, either other users have to pause their content operating theater let the person leave miss out on it. To resolve this problem, Apple intends to leave the iOS device to place the source, name and timestamp for the media beingness played back, and consequently access the same feed itself. The location of timestamp will be finished both manually and automatically.

In the case where the iOS device can not directly access the cyberspace stream existence played on the leaded screen unit, Apple intends to allow the iOS twist to access the feed of data directly from an Orchard apple tree Television set unit. These patents are essentially a reverse of Orchard apple tree's already existing AirPlay, that allow iOS users to pullulate their content on a television covert through Apple TV. Sounds interesting. Army of the Pure us know what you think back in the comments section.


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