
Can House Paint Be Used For Acrylic Pour With Of Varnish Sealer

At that place are a variety of means in which you can seal your acrylic pigment cascade. Depending on the overall wait you lot are wanting to accomplish volition depend on which product/southward you should use to seal information technology.

Today we volition exist showcasing the 3 most common ways of sealing your acrylic paint pour, consummate with pros and cons for each one.

Varnish/enamel spray

Using a varnish or enamel spray is a very common mode to seal all kinds of art work. They tin be a very good option if you need your terminate to be every bit affordable as possible, if you lot do not require an ultra high gloss cease or if you crave a quick turn around.


  • Affordable
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel to use
  • Easy to obtain
  • Quick drying time between coats
  • Can be used in lower temperatures


  • Requires good ventilation before use
  • Can accept a very strong smell
  • If you want a very shiny finish information technology can accept many coats (half dozen+) and even then may non be as shiny every bit you want

Merely remember to read the can thoroughly earlier use. Not only because you will desire to make sure you lot are taking all the necessary wellness and safety procedures, just some sprays volition require the canvass to be flat downward for application, whilst others require the canvas to exist vertical.

You can besides get these varnishing sprays in a satin or matt stop.

Tips for using a varnish or enamel spray

  • Be sure to spray the sides equally well as the front of your canvas
  • Go on the can upright and spray each layer thinly and evenly
  • Do a minimum of two coats to be sure information technology is protected (4 is usually the magic number – but to each their ain!)
  • Practise not apply in temperatures lower than x°c
  • Utilise in a well ventilated room or if you can, exterior

Gloss medium/gloss varnish

If y'all are looking for a thicker, glossier and stronger finish, y'all might prefer instead to apply a gloss medium/gloss varnish. These are very common and are available in all art stores and online and although ordinarily cost a little more than than the sprays mentioned before, tin also exist very affordable.


  • Affordable
  • Easy to obtain
  • Glossier finish compared to spray alternatives


  • Brushes or rollers tin exit unwanted marks behind
  • Long drying fourth dimension between coats
  • Can be tricky to remove all the bubbles – even with a blowtorch

Equally always, call up to read the product instructions thoroughly earlier use. Although most are usually prophylactic to use within, you lot volition merely desire to check to make sure you exercise not require a lot of ventilation.

Tips for using a gloss medium/gloss varnish

  • Do not shake the product. This type of product does not separate and shaking it will only create loads of bubbles
  • Make certain you have a blowtorch to remove any bubbles – you lot will e'er have a few!
  • Synthetic brushes are usually ameliorate than natural brushes merely pallet knives tend to work all-time – that manner you avoid ugly brush marks
  • Multiple thin layers are better than fewer thick ones
  • Be certain yous get the sides of you canvas every bit well


Finishing your latest acrylic paint pour with resin is the only way to really get that ultra-loftier gloss finish. If yous want the piece to expect similar water, and so this option is for you lot!


  • Ultra-high gloss terminate
  • Very strong
  • Actually makes the colours 'popular' and gives dimension
  • Can exist safely used inside


  • The virtually expensive selection
  • Long drying time
  • Can fail if not mixed correctly

Again, be sure you thoroughly read the directions for use. This is because not all brands use the same ratios or length of mixing time which is vital to creating a practiced consistency and finished outcome.

Tips for using resin

  • Employ the Art Resin Estimator to work out how much resin you require
  • Spread the resin evenly over the surface (y'all usually have thirty-40 mins working time)
  • Run a blowtorch over the resin to pop whatever bubbles
  • Keep it level and covered for 24 hours to end any hair or grit from falling onto the surface

Our top tip before sealing your art!

If yous have used whatever silicone to create cells in your art, you will demand to remove the silicone balance earlier applying a finish. This is considering the oil creates a barrier and so the finishing product will not be able to adhere to these spots.

Before you do this though, your artwork volition demand to have had a minimum of 2 weeks drying time. Usually 3-four is perfect but depending on the temperature and humidity the fine art has dried at, it is possible that information technology could be dry inside 2 weeks.

Removal of the silicone residue

Once the art is thoroughly dry you are ready to remove the backlog silicone. To practice this you lot can use a few things;

  • Dish soap and h2o
  • Glass cleaner
  • Isopropyl alcohol

Once you have decided on which product you will be using, pop on some gloves. This is because the oils in your peel can transfer onto the canvas. We recommend nitrile gloves.

You will desire to utilize your called solution onto a piece of kitchen towel and so rub it over the entire surface. Be sure non to wipe information technology too hard, particularly if you are using the alcohol option every bit you could deliquesce the paint and therefore remove it. Even so, yous also do not want to be too calorie-free with your wipes equally you do all the same desire to remove the residuum.

Which ever choice you choose, you will probable see a small amount of the paint drain onto the kitchen towel. This is fine and normal, however, if at that place is more than a little, or if the kitchen towel sticks and/or drags then end as the paint is commencement to dissolve and will become compromised.

In one case you have cleaned the surface, leave information technology to dry. Once dry, give the surface a quick wipe down with a dry slice of kitchen towel to remove whatever hairs and/or dust particles. This is particularly important if y'all are going to use resin.

In one case you accept sufficiently primed the surface, you are now ready to apply the finishing product of your choice and seal your acrylic paint cascade.

Use products with UV protective properties

Which ever product you make up one's mind to utilize, if there is a version that contains UV protective properties, we highly recommend choosing it. Although it may exist a niggling more expensive, information technology is well worth it!

This is because the UV protector will stop the pigment underneath from becoming damaged and discoloured from UV rays also as stop the clear coat from turning yellow. This is a really common occurrence with articulate products – yous may have seen this happen on your articulate mobile phone case!

So there you lot have it! The top three most common means on how to seal your acrylic paint pour!

Special cheers to Katie of The Fluid Fox for allowing the states to use her cute pictures.

We hope you found this post helpful. If you lot have whatsoever other tips, tricks or advice, please feel free to exit them in the comments below. We beloved hearing from you lot!

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