
How To Painting My Adndirondar Chairs

Last yr at Oasis I won a set of gorgeous Adirondack chairs from Thompson'due south WaterSeal! Unfortunately, we were yet living in our tiny apartment at the fourth dimension, so I offered them to my parents instead. The adjacent time I made it out to CA to visit them, my mom and I decided to paint them, and await how they turned out!

DIY Painted Adirondack Chairs: Painting Adirondack chairs is way easier than you might think!

Painting Adirondack chairs is way easier than you lot might think; plus when y'all paint them yourself, you can make all sorts of fun patterns and designs! We painted by hand with brushes, but you could hands spray paint them if you'd rather.

Painted Adirondack Chairs

Here's what you lot need to paint wooden Adirondack chairs:

  • a wooden Adirondack chair
  • medium grit sandpaper
  • exterior primer/sealer (we used INSL-X Aqua Lock primer/sealer)
  • exterior pigment (we used ben Waterborne Exterior Paint- Low Lustre; the yellow is Lemon Grass #339; the blue is I've Got The Blues #774)
  • paint brushes

If your Adirondack chair is already put together, have it apart every bit much as you tin. This will brand it easier to paint each slice thoroughly. Luckily, these chairs shipped in pieces with assembly instructions and hardware, so it was easy to paint everything before we put it all together.

If your chair has any rough spots, start by sanding them down. You want a smooth surface for the primer to adhere to.

Once your pieces are smoothen, prime number them. Primer volition help the paint stick to the chairs and embrace meliorate, and it will aid seal the chairs then the pigment job isn't ruined when you leave them outside in the pelting.

Cover each slice, forepart and back, with a adept coat of primer. Then set the pieces aside to dry.

Painted Adirondack Chairs

Once the primer is dry, grab a paintbrush and get-go painting with colour! Y'all volition probably need two coats of paint to thoroughly comprehend the primer, so don't worry if the paint is a fiddling lite or you see primer showing through on the first coat. Subsequently the first coat we noticed some calorie-free streaks on the arms of the chair (see photo below), simply later on the 2nd coat, the streaks were completely covered!

Painted Adirondack Chairs-4

It goes faster if you lot have help! In one case you're washed with your first coat of paint, set the pieces aside to permit them dry out.

Painted Adirondack Chairs-2

We moved the pieces upwardly to the patio to do the 2nd coat of paint because the behemothic oak tree in the center of my parents back yard dropped a ton of leaves on the pieces equally they were drying!

For your 2nd coat, make sure to go over whatsoever light spots or streaks, and brush along the grain again with low-cal strokes to help reduce visible castor strokes in your paint.

Let the pieces dry once again. This may accept longer than the commencement two times because there's more paint on the wood at this bespeak!

Painted Adirondack Chairs-5

If you lot're worried almost it, you can seal the pieces with a clear sealant once the 2d glaze of pigment is dry. But if you use good quality exterior primer and paint like we did, that should be enough to seal the chairs.

Once the paint is dry, assemble your chairs!

Painted Adirondack Chairs-6

Once yous take it all put together, sit back and savor your painted Adirondack chairs!

DIY Painted Adirondack Chairs: Painting Adirondack chairs is way easier than you might think!

The photo of the single chair above was taken right after we finished the project, merely my mom actually took the photo of both chairs together only last weekend, a year after we painted them. They've gotten a little dirty over the by year, but the paint job has held up perfectly even though they've been outside the whole time!!!

DIY Painted Adirondack Chairs: Painting Adirondack chairs is way easier than you might think!

It looks similar the painted birdhouse has held up besides!

Do you take Adirondack chairs on your deck or patio? Now that we own a business firm, we need to become a pair for our yard!


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I believe that anyone tin practice crafts and DIY projects, regardless of skill or feel. I love sharing simple arts and crafts ideas, step by stride DIY project tutorials, cleaning hacks, and other tips and tricks all with 1 goal in mind: giving you the tools you lot need to "practise it yourself", consummate fun projects, and make awesome things!

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